When people find that they are dealing with some sort of health issue, the most difficult part is often the mystery of the exact problem. If you are dealing with an oral complication, your Naples dentist can use Diagnodent Laser Readings to assess your teeth. This type of in-depth dental care comes with a range of advantages that many patients typically enjoy.
The earlier you catch on a dental problem, the better chance you have of treating it efficiently and fully. Diagnodent Laser Readings make use of a safe and efficient laser to detect tooth decay in the mouth. This type of procedure is much less invasive than certain exploratory investigations that are used to assess the integrity of a tooth. Diagnodent readings do not involve x-ray exposure and are completely painless. After a reading, your dentist will be able to provide you with a visual of what was found. Your dentist can also get an idea of what areas of the mouth are suspicious and gear additional examinations in the appropriate direction. Diagnodent readings offer patients a precise impression of their oral health.